Postitatud: 14. jaanuar 2008, 19:25
Postitas kaisake131
Eva4 kirjutas:White Magic Aaron (Hebrew"mountain of strength") - siamese seal point?, Roberta
White Magic Ace (English"number one, the best") - burmese, jääb koju
White Magic Amadeus (Latin"God's love") - burmese, Roberta
White Magic Amal (Hebrew, Sanskrit and Arabic"labor, hard work; pure; hope") - burmese, jääb koju
White Magic Alexandra ("man's defender" Greek) - bes, Venemaale
White Magic Alicia (Old German "noble, exalted nature") - burmese, Soome
White Magic Amanda (Latin"fit to be loved, lovable") - siamese seal point?, Gerbil
White Magic Alyssa (Greek "rational") - siamese seal point?, Molly
White Magic Angel (Greek"messenger; messenger of God") - bes, Venemaale
White Magic Angelica (Latin "angelic") - siamese seal point?,
White Magic Annabel (Latin "lovable") - bes, Ines
White Magic Arabella (Latin"prayerful") - bes, Venemaale
White Magic Aura (Latin"wind") - burmese, jääb koju

Mind paneb imestama, kuidas kõiki neid 13 rotti üksteisest eristatakse :shock: ?
Mina isiklikult ei suudaks küll sama värvi rotipoegadel vahet teha, minu arvates on nad kõik samasugused.