Postitatud: 10. oktoober 2012, 14:29
Postitas Heleri
Vähemalt 1 ekipaaž Eestist on sinna näitusele minemas. Kohtunikud on kogemusega kasvatajad Ungarist.
NB! Eesti Tuhkrute Liidu liikmetele kehtib VSF-liikmetele mõeldud soodustus!!! Kasutage võimalust

Rohkem infot ka FB lehel WCWFS 2013

Edastan infot:

Varsinais-Suomen fretit Ry is having their annual ferret show on 26th of January. This time the judges are Livia Szabo and Krisztina Ferenc from Budapest Hungary. The show will be held at the Naantali Sport center.

Prices for VSF-members until November 29th: first ferret from the same owner 15€ second 12€, third an so on 10€
Other ferret owners until November 29th: first ferret 18€, second 15€, third an so on 12€

from 30th November to 29th December all entries 20€

Send your registration to the show to email address
Information for registration:

Name of the owner
E-mail address

Official name of the ferret
Nickname of the ferret
Date of birth
Status (neutered/intact/implanted)
Colour (black, black sable, sable, pastel (champagne), cinnamon, chocolate, white)
Colour concentration (standard/solid/point/roan)
Markings (mitts, panda, blaze)
Fur length (shorthaired, half angora, angora)
Breeder and her/his homecountry
And if your ferret can be championcandidate in the show, we want to know that also.